
Bone Attack

Bone Attack - v zbirki arkadne igre so brezplačne računalniške arkadne igre, otroške igre. Za vse, ki imate radi dobre arkade z dobrimi zgodbami, bodo arkadne igre v tej zbirki odličen izziv.
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
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Bone Attack

Igraj igro Bone Attack čez cel zaslon!

Command your army of the damned and move forward into the enemy territory.

You are the commander of the army of the dead and are pursuing to dominate the country. Command your units in skirmishes until your opponent has no more troops left.
A tip would be to check out what troops the enemy has and counter it with your own. Your commander is very valuable so remember to heal him if he gets too damaged. Use your special attacks. Good Luck
Move Up, Down, Left, Right (W, A, S, D keys); Attack (Space Bar); Hero Health Pack (H); Special Attacks (Z, X, C)

Igra je bila igrana že 4991 krat!