

Boris - v zbirki arkadne igre so brezplačne računalniške arkadne igre, otroške igre. Za vse, ki imate radi dobre arkade z dobrimi zgodbami, bodo arkadne igre v tej zbirki odličen izziv.
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
  • Pomoč
  • Pogovor - CHAT
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Igraj igro Boris čez cel zaslon!

Fight the whole mob in this exciting side scrolling fighter!

The objective of the game is to get to your father who is in Italy. Take on the mob and destroy everyone that tries to block your path.
A tip would be to try to get the stick and jam the Z key. Also take a look around the play area for things to pick up like boxes and even dead people. Good luck!
Move Up, Down, Left, Right (Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys); Punch, Kick, Jump (Z, X, C keys); Pick up stuff/Ride bike (A); Powerups (1, 2, 3)

Igra je bila igrana že 3865 krat!