
Branitelj Farme z Gobami

Branitelj Farme z Gobami - v zbirki arkadne igre so brezplačne računalniške arkadne igre, otroške igre. Za vse, ki imate radi dobre arkade z dobrimi zgodbami, bodo arkadne igre v tej zbirki odličen izziv.
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Branitelj Farme z Gobami

Igraj igro Branitelj Farme z Gobami čez cel zaslon!

Defend your farm with the help of mushroom defense!

In this game you have to strategically place mushroom along the pathway from where your enemies come. Your mushrooms will automatically defend your farm by shooting at the enemies. The more enemies your mushrooms kill the more money you make and thus having more money for upgrades and adding more mushrooms to defend your farm. So this game is all about strategically placing your mushrooms in the right spot. Good Luck!

Use the Mouse to drag mushrooms and place them in your desired spot.

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