
Branitelj Gradu

Branitelj Gradu - v zbirki arkadne igre so brezplačne računalniške arkadne igre, otroške igre. Za vse, ki imate radi dobre arkade z dobrimi zgodbami, bodo arkadne igre v tej zbirki odličen izziv.
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
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Branitelj Gradu

Igraj igro Branitelj Gradu čez cel zaslon!

Defend your city at all costs in this Battle City-Type game on massive steroids, City Under Siege!

The objective is to defend your base by all means necessary. Use the battlefield to your advantage and pick up powerups to help you finish the levels. Always try to find ways to shoot the enemies while not allowing them to shoot you! Good Luck!

Move Up, Down, Left, Right WASD Or Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys Shoot Space Bar Drop Mine Hold Space Bar

Igra je bila igrana že 9086 krat!