
Fly Catcher

Fly Catcher - v zbirki miselne igre boste našli brezplačne online miselne igre. Če radi razmišljate, so naše miselne igre prava izbira!
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
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  • Pogovor - CHAT
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Fly Catcher

Igraj igro Fly Catcher čez cel zaslon!

Punch a frog to make him jump and catch all the flies before the time runs out, avoiding the poison bottles.

This is a wonderful strategy game where you have to control the frog to make jump and gather all the flies without hitting poison flask to proceed to the next level. Be Careful! You have 60 seconds and limited attempts in each round. To catch the flies you need to make the frog jump by clicking left mouse button and drawing the boxing glove back as necessary to manage the power. The direction of the flight depends on the angle at which the glove is drawn. Good Luck....

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