

Konnectors - v zbirki miselne igre boste našli brezplačne online miselne igre. Če radi razmišljate, so naše miselne igre prava izbira!
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Igre - Man In Black
Igre - Man In Black
The objective of this game is...

Igre - Reversi
Igre - Reversi
Play a classic game of...

Igre - DHC Allout
Igre - DHC Allout
Click the colors on the board...

Igre - Comboling
Igre - Comboling
Link all the marked fields... Igre - African Mask
Igre - African Mask
A challenging puzzle game...

Igre - Slidermania
Igre - Slidermania
Slide the box to appropriate...

  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
  • Pomoč
  • Pogovor - CHAT
  • Zaznamki


Igraj igro Konnectors čez cel zaslon!

Build a road to connect location A with location B, while working on a tight schedule.

This is a simple, fun and skilled game. The object of the game is to build a road to connect two locations together while working on a tight schedule. Use your mouse to drop the track on the ground, you can change the track by left clicking on it, but the more you click to flip the tracks the fewer points you receive. Build a unobstructed road from the start to finish to complete the level. But sometimes you may have to stop at gas stations to fuel up. If you have built the track in time to spare, you can always increase your points by pressing the speed button....Enjoy the game!

Igra je bila igrana že 4465 krat!