
Pipol Destinations

Pipol Destinations - v zbirki miselne igre boste našli brezplačne online miselne igre. Če radi razmišljate, so naše miselne igre prava izbira!
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
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Pipol Destinations

Igraj igro Pipol Destinations čez cel zaslon!

People have different paths in general. It is your duty to guide them to their destinations.

The object of the game is to guide the pipol to their respective destinations. Each and every one must be guided safely in order to complete 20 levels of game play.
A strategy to this game is to be careful not to dig holes too deep because it will kill the person falling in it. Try to do a zigzag dig so that the tunnel will be safe and flexible. Good Luck!
Click and Drag on an area to dig or replace the ground; Dig/Replace Ground (Space bar)

Igra je bila igrana že 9327 krat!