
Dare Devil

Dare Devil - športne igre za vse športne navdušence. Številne brezplačne športne igre, avtomobilske igre, dirkaške igre, igre z motorji, biljard igre in druge online športne igre.
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Dare Devil

Igraj igro Dare Devil čez cel zaslon!

Got what it takes to become a daredevil? I dare you to survive this extreme motocross game!

The objective of the game is to do tricks to earn points. You can spend points to upgrade your bike and make it more agile. Bike stats include weight reduction, acceleration and max speed.

A strategy to this game is to do 360 flips for maximum points. Try to spend your points where you need them. Obstacles will change so be able to tweak your bike to suit your environment

Accelerate Up arrow key Lean left Left arrow key Lean right Right arrow key Break Down arrow key Bike rotation A Bar rotation S Superman D

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