
Dirkanje po Planeth

Dirkanje po Planeth - športne igre za vse športne navdušence. Številne brezplačne športne igre, avtomobilske igre, dirkaške igre, igre z motorji, biljard igre in druge online športne igre.
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Dirkanje po Planeth

Igraj igro Dirkanje po Planeth čez cel zaslon!

Drag Race on different moons and planets, win money, build reputation, mod your car and challenge the King!

Every racer in the universe dreams about becoming the next king. One day you hope to challenge and beat the king in a one on one race. Then you will win the crown, the king mobile and the kings moon.But, every challenger must pay a large fee to race against the king. To reach your goal you will have to build a reputation, win money and modify your car. To build a reputation you need to win races against numerous other racers from around the universe. This game is not just about racing, it has a lot of other exciting features to explore! Have Fun...

Accelerate (Up Arrow Key); Reverse (Down Arrow Key); Lean Left (Left Arrow Key); Lean Right (Right Arrow Key); After Burner (Space Bar)

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