
Keglanje I

Keglanje I - športne igre za vse športne navdušence. Številne brezplačne športne igre, avtomobilske igre, dirkaške igre, igre z motorji, biljard igre in druge online športne igre.
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Keglanje I

Igraj igro Keglanje I čez cel zaslon!

Power up your angle and let go of the button to shoot the ball and knock over pins to hit strikes and spares.

This has to be the best Online Bowling game around. Smooth workings, eye boggling graphics with an added 2 player function. You have to play it to believe it. To get the perfect bowl, aim your mouse towards the pins, whilst aligning the mouse with the marking of the floor. Push the mouse towards the pins with as much power as possible. Keep in mind that the more power you add the faster the ball will go. Also noting that this maneuver should start from behind the marking on the floor. A bit of trial and error is required but you will soon be bowling like a pro.Noting:
Please also note that to play this game some users might need to increase their screen resolution from 800x600 - sorry but there is no way round this, the game is designed like this to accommodate the bowling lane.

Igra je bila igrana že 5497 krat!