

Smugglers - športne igre za vse športne navdušence. Številne brezplačne športne igre, avtomobilske igre, dirkaške igre, igre z motorji, biljard igre in druge online športne igre.
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  • Št. vseh iger: 3776
  • Pomoč
  • Pogovor - CHAT
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Igraj igro Smugglers čez cel zaslon!

Youre a get-away driver of an Arms Smuggling gang! Drive your jeep, pick up cargo and deliver it, while avoiding the cops.

In this interesting game, you work as a Get Away driver for an arms smuggling gang, whose operations have been traced out by the border police. Throughout the game the police cars will be chasing you.Your job will be to follow the plane and pickup the cargo that it drops. You will have 15 seconds to pickup the cargo before it is discovered by the police. Once you have picked up the cargo, take it back to the base but while youre doing so, the police will be constantly trying to smash into you, in order to damage your vehicle and bring you to a stop... Thus keep an eye on the damage bar.
Also, youll get different scores for different difficulty settings. So choose accordingly:1) Easy equals 05 points on delivery.2) Medium equals 10 points on delivery.3) Hard equals 15 points on delivery.4) Nightmare equals 40 points on delivery.
You can choose any one of the four vehicles before you begin the game. Since each one of them has different specifications, select the one youre more comfortable with. Use the Arrow Keys to drive your vehicle around. Switch to lower quality if the game is running slowly.

Igra je bila igrana že 11151 krat!