
Voznik Taxi-ja

Voznik Taxi-ja - športne igre za vse športne navdušence. Številne brezplačne športne igre, avtomobilske igre, dirkaške igre, igre z motorji, biljard igre in druge online športne igre.
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Voznik Taxi-ja

Igraj igro Voznik Taxi-ja čez cel zaslon!

Help Abu to pass TAXI CORPs impossible entrance exam and become a full fledged Taxi Driver in New York!

Youre Abu, lover of spicy curry and last in line in a family of legendary taxi drivers! Looking to continue the family legacy, youve traveled to the taxi center of the world... New York! But the path to greatness is a rough road, and your journey begins with a grueling test of faith and perseverance.But, before you can get your first fare, you must succeed in TAXI CORPs legendary entrance exam... To pass, you must complete the 14 maneuvers within the set time limit, while staying on the set path without crashing. Hit other cars or obstacles and youll get disqualified.
There are green arrows on the track which you must follow to execute the required maneuvers correctly. Stray from the path and youll lose merits. But dont go too slowly, or youll lose anyway! Good Luck!
Accelerate (Up Arrow Key); Reverse (Down Arrow Key); Turn Left (Left Arrow Key); Turn Right (Right Arrow Key); Brake (Space Bar)

Igra je bila igrana že 5756 krat!